Sunday, February 19, 2017

Data Mining

Barbara Dixon
NUR 701
Mining adverse drug reactions from online healthcare forums using hidden Markov model. Sampathkumar, H., Chen, X., & Luo, B. BMC Medical Informatics And Decision Making, 1491. doi:10.1186/1472-6947-14-91

Why was this article, blog, post, or multimedia chosen?
Not all Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) are known before a medication is made available to the public.  Even after the medication is made available and an ADR has occurred it can take a long time for the information to become known.  Maybe not in time to stop another ADR from occurring to a different person. Data mining is needed to enhance our ability to become aware of the ADR sooner (Sampathkumar, Chen, & Lou, 2014).

What makes it interesting, appropriate, or reputable?
Is it an opinion? Case study? Research study? Product review?

What was the need, problem, issue or trend addressed in the article, blog, post, or multimedia? There is a need for an improved ability to data mine for adverse drug effects. When a drug is made available, not all adverse drug effects have been discovered yet.  It is voluntary to report of adverse drug reactions, and if it gets reported, it is not always early enough to avoid more harm from occurring (Sampathkumar, Chen, & Lou, 2014). 

What was the solution for which technology had an answer? Not all adverse drug reactions are known before a new medication is release to be available in the market.  Data mining is making adverse drug reactions known faster than it has been (Sampathkumar, Chen, & Lou, 2014).

What implications might this have in healthcare delivery? Improved safety with better knowledge of drug safety.

What did you learn from it that might have application for your practice? Datamining has a valuable role in research and improving all aspect of healthcare. 

Sampathkumar, H., Chen, X., & Luo, B. (2014). Mining adverse drug reactions from online healthcare forums using hidden Markov model. BMC Medical Informatics And Decision Making, 1491. doi:10.1186/1472-6947-14-91


  1. Data mining is very important for this and many other issues. As your author implies many drug adverse effects are not known until in general distribution. Medications do not work equally well with all people due to different genetics.

  2. Great article. It is important to get confirmation that data can be turned into wisdom.

  3. Thompson (2015) wrote a great article for Business Insider, describing the many areas the future of technology is expected to grow and expand. The foundation of many of the technologies can be seen now with the technologies we are currently using such as Facebook and Fitbits. The forecast shows that so many things and people are going to be connected, giving "interoperability" a new meaning. From the clothes that we wear, our cars we are driving, and the ground we walk on, all are expected to be connected to the internet, providing government an infinite amount of data to monitor, measure, and analyze. Data mining capabilities will become increasingly important as the amount of data we have available continues to grow exponentially.


    Thompson, C. (2015, November 12). 21 technology tipping points we will reach by 2030. Retrieved February 26, 2017 from:


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